Just because you are watching your weight doesn’t mean that you’re going to be eating a snack here and there and, in fact, eating smaller meals or healthy snacks in between meals can actually help boost your metabolism.
Even if you’re not on any type of diet plan but still want to drop a few pounds you can do this easily by changing the types of snacks that you eat. Let’s say you have a snack in between breakfast and lunch, another one in between lunch and dinner and another one later at night - that’s three snacks today. Now let’s say that you choose for the snacks a bag of chips, a candy bar, or cookies. Each one of these snacks is probably 250 to 350 calories. Now, if you replace the snacks with healthier snacks of around 100 calories you’ll be able to lose weight even if you do not change any of the other things that you eat!
Switching to healthier snacks is not only better for your waistline, it’s better for your overall health too. Now instead of eating 800 or 900 calories worth of snacks today you’re only eating 300 or 400 calories worth, which is a savings of around 500 calories a day which can really add up. Given that there’s about 3500 calories in a pound if you really did shave off 500 calories a day you could be losing a pound a week!
So the next time you reach for a snack, think about being good to your hips and your health by choosing one of the healthy, low calorie snacks:
Apple slices with peanut butter are a great healthy snack as long as you choose all natural peanut butter that doesn’t have additives and especially sugar added. Go easy on the peanut butter, as it is fatty ( healthy fat, but using too much can really pack on the calories). I like to cut the Apple open to slices and spread a thin layer of peanut butter in between two slices like a sandwich.
Fresh fruit is a great healthy snack and can help curb those sugar cravings. Fruits have sugar too, but the body can metabolize them easier than the processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup in other nasty elements in process snack foods. Some great healthy choices for fruits include blueberries, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, and cantaloupe.
If you’re a chip lover then you might want to think about switching to soy chips which will help curb your cravings for crunchy foods and will also add some protein into your diet which can help you feel full longer.
Yogurt can be a great healthy snack if you choose the right kind, and in fact, recent studies show that eating low-fat dairy products can help you to lose even more weight. You need to choose yogurt that has no sugar added and not the kind that has the blobs of fruit that you stir up as this will be loaded with sugar. The best pick is organic yogurt that has live cultures which can give your digestive system some of that good bacteria that it needs to work properly.
Just because you are trying to lose weight doesn’t mean that you should avoid snacks altogether, in fact eating more smaller meals during the day will help you feel full longer and less deprived as well as keep your metabolism revved up for more weight loss. You just need to pick snacks that are low in calories and fat and healthy!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What is the Best Exercise for Weight Loss?
It is a common misconception that aerobic exercise tones and firms muscles. Actually it accomplishes very little toning and firming. Resistance exercise (weight training) is where real toning and firming of muscles occurs.
Doing both aerobics and weight training is the optimal way to lose more fat and gain more muscle. If you are trying to lose weight, studies show that weight loss increases by 56 percent with aerobic and strength exercises combined.
Muscle may weigh more, but when you increase your muscle composition, the body is able to burn more fat, even when you are resting, because your metabolism is higher. A pound of muscle will use 350 to 500 calories per week to survive, while a pound of fat only needs about 14 calories per week. New studies have shown that building muscle helps your body fight disease better, too.
Strength training benefits everyone, no matter what age or sex, and is becoming recognized as an important component of fitness. Research is indicating that the muscle loss found in elderly people doesn’t come from age, but lack of activity. Even a young person who doesn’t get enough exercise can lose muscle mass and strength. Strength training, such as lifting weights or performing weight-resistance exercises, as little as twice a week can help maintain or increase muscle mass.
Strength training involving several sets of multiple repetitions using moderate weights will not result in huge muscles. Instead it builds bone mass and increases the metabolism, as well as toning and firming the muscles, giving a leaner look.
It is very important to do both aerobics and strength exercises. The aerobic exercises help your heart and lungs get stronger and help your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, which in turn helps with strength training and overall fitness. The strength exercise helps develop muscle, reduce body fat and maintain bone mass.
Aerobic Exercise is a type of exercise that elevates the heart rate and breathing for a continuous sustained period. This overloads the heart and lungs and causes them to work harder than at rest.
There are many options to choose from today. Bicycling, aerobic dance, swimming, walking, and stepping are all examples of aerobic exercise. Which ones to choose depends on your physical condition, your history, your interests and your goals. Many experts believe it is better to alternate between two or more types, to get a better workout.
There are two main types of aerobics: high impact and low impact. It is better to alternate between high impact aerobics (which are harder on the body and may cause more damage) and low impact aerobics, such as walking and swimming. This is called cross-training, and helps reduce the chance or injury and overuse of certain muscles.
You will want to perform aerobic exercises at least 20 minutes a day for at least 3 to 4 days a week. If you are trying to lose body fat, or your physical condition is very good, then you may want to work longer at it. Try exercising up to 40 to 60 minutes 5 to 6 days a week.
Remember there is no real need to go overboard. Moderate intensity is almost always better, and is more enjoyable. Low to moderate intensity is an especially good idea when starting out after a layoff or recovery from illness or injury, or if you are significantly overweight.
Warm-up and cool down is important to reduce discomfort and the chance of injury. Warm-up by starting slow and gradually build up to your top speed. Then slow down again at the end of your workout.
The whole idea behind aerobic exercise is to get up and get moving! Find something you enjoy doing that keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous time period and get moving to a healthier life.
Sponserd By Greatwood Training Center
This is an excerpt from the FREE ebook "The Enzyme Health Diet Plan" by Dianne Ronnow. Copyright © 2005-6 by Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. http://enzyme-health.com
Doing both aerobics and weight training is the optimal way to lose more fat and gain more muscle. If you are trying to lose weight, studies show that weight loss increases by 56 percent with aerobic and strength exercises combined.
Muscle may weigh more, but when you increase your muscle composition, the body is able to burn more fat, even when you are resting, because your metabolism is higher. A pound of muscle will use 350 to 500 calories per week to survive, while a pound of fat only needs about 14 calories per week. New studies have shown that building muscle helps your body fight disease better, too.
Strength training benefits everyone, no matter what age or sex, and is becoming recognized as an important component of fitness. Research is indicating that the muscle loss found in elderly people doesn’t come from age, but lack of activity. Even a young person who doesn’t get enough exercise can lose muscle mass and strength. Strength training, such as lifting weights or performing weight-resistance exercises, as little as twice a week can help maintain or increase muscle mass.
Strength training involving several sets of multiple repetitions using moderate weights will not result in huge muscles. Instead it builds bone mass and increases the metabolism, as well as toning and firming the muscles, giving a leaner look.
It is very important to do both aerobics and strength exercises. The aerobic exercises help your heart and lungs get stronger and help your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, which in turn helps with strength training and overall fitness. The strength exercise helps develop muscle, reduce body fat and maintain bone mass.
Aerobic Exercise is a type of exercise that elevates the heart rate and breathing for a continuous sustained period. This overloads the heart and lungs and causes them to work harder than at rest.
There are many options to choose from today. Bicycling, aerobic dance, swimming, walking, and stepping are all examples of aerobic exercise. Which ones to choose depends on your physical condition, your history, your interests and your goals. Many experts believe it is better to alternate between two or more types, to get a better workout.
There are two main types of aerobics: high impact and low impact. It is better to alternate between high impact aerobics (which are harder on the body and may cause more damage) and low impact aerobics, such as walking and swimming. This is called cross-training, and helps reduce the chance or injury and overuse of certain muscles.
You will want to perform aerobic exercises at least 20 minutes a day for at least 3 to 4 days a week. If you are trying to lose body fat, or your physical condition is very good, then you may want to work longer at it. Try exercising up to 40 to 60 minutes 5 to 6 days a week.
Remember there is no real need to go overboard. Moderate intensity is almost always better, and is more enjoyable. Low to moderate intensity is an especially good idea when starting out after a layoff or recovery from illness or injury, or if you are significantly overweight.
Warm-up and cool down is important to reduce discomfort and the chance of injury. Warm-up by starting slow and gradually build up to your top speed. Then slow down again at the end of your workout.
The whole idea behind aerobic exercise is to get up and get moving! Find something you enjoy doing that keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous time period and get moving to a healthier life.
Sponserd By Greatwood Training Center
This is an excerpt from the FREE ebook "The Enzyme Health Diet Plan" by Dianne Ronnow. Copyright © 2005-6 by Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. http://enzyme-health.com
Related articles by Zemanta
- Differences Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise and Training (fitness.suite101.com)
Monday, July 26, 2010
All About Vitamins - For Better Nutrition And Life!
For those who want to find out more about vitamins, it can be confusing, especially when you are trying to figure out the right type of supplements that one needs to take. In spite of all the times that we have been told, at one point of time or another, that if we ate a nutritionally balanced meal six times a day, then there is no need for dietary supplements or the prerequisite to know about vitamins, but for sure, this just is not realistic in our society.
A great number of us are stressed out everyday, and do not always find the time to eat at all let alone a nutritionally balanced meal (and six of them?!). Vitamins should never be substituted for good nutritional intake. Your body needs fuel to carry out all the tasks you have to attend to in a day.
A good diet is comprised of calcium, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber supplemented by vitamins as required for specific health concerns. A lot of food items are enriched with vitamins and minerals, such as breads, pastas, and cereals. One can find information regarding vitamins listed on the packaging; this includes the percentage of the daily recommended allowance of each, which will give you a pretty good idea of how much you are getting of a certain vitamin or mineral. Calcium is an important mineral, especially for women, and most sources about vitamins state that women should consume at least 1200-1500 mg of calcium daily. Most calcium supplements only include 30-50% of the recommended daily amounts and must be supplemented by diet intake of other sources, such as cheese, yogurt, milk, and ice cream.
Vitamin D is an important vitamin and is essential to bone health. This is included in some calcium supplements or can be absorbed through the skin via sunlight. However; for people living in northern states, or for the elderly, this is not always an option, therefore a vitamin supplement is the answer.
If you are really interested in taking care of yourself, then part of it lies in learning about vitamins and minerals and what our bodies require for optimal health. There are a number of sources that are available to you to learn more about vitamins and how certain vitamin deficiencies and excess intake can be harmful to your health. Every person needs to take an active role in one’s health, be familiar about vitamins in one’s cabinet, and also in finding the vitamin that is right for you. Additionally to searching on the web, you can find loads of information about vitamins in various health publications, or you can even consult a nutritionist or naturopathic physician for advice about vitamins and supplements, and how you can implement them into your diet. All the best to your good health!
By: John Wellington
A great number of us are stressed out everyday, and do not always find the time to eat at all let alone a nutritionally balanced meal (and six of them?!). Vitamins should never be substituted for good nutritional intake. Your body needs fuel to carry out all the tasks you have to attend to in a day.
A good diet is comprised of calcium, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber supplemented by vitamins as required for specific health concerns. A lot of food items are enriched with vitamins and minerals, such as breads, pastas, and cereals. One can find information regarding vitamins listed on the packaging; this includes the percentage of the daily recommended allowance of each, which will give you a pretty good idea of how much you are getting of a certain vitamin or mineral. Calcium is an important mineral, especially for women, and most sources about vitamins state that women should consume at least 1200-1500 mg of calcium daily. Most calcium supplements only include 30-50% of the recommended daily amounts and must be supplemented by diet intake of other sources, such as cheese, yogurt, milk, and ice cream.
Vitamin D is an important vitamin and is essential to bone health. This is included in some calcium supplements or can be absorbed through the skin via sunlight. However; for people living in northern states, or for the elderly, this is not always an option, therefore a vitamin supplement is the answer.
If you are really interested in taking care of yourself, then part of it lies in learning about vitamins and minerals and what our bodies require for optimal health. There are a number of sources that are available to you to learn more about vitamins and how certain vitamin deficiencies and excess intake can be harmful to your health. Every person needs to take an active role in one’s health, be familiar about vitamins in one’s cabinet, and also in finding the vitamin that is right for you. Additionally to searching on the web, you can find loads of information about vitamins in various health publications, or you can even consult a nutritionist or naturopathic physician for advice about vitamins and supplements, and how you can implement them into your diet. All the best to your good health!
By: John Wellington
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Jumping Rope: Not Just For Kids Anymore
Remember the song that went, "not last night but the night before, twenty-four robbers came knockin' on my door?"
Those were the days when playing hopscotch, jumping rope, and hanging on the monkey bars were our primary occupations.
While hopscotch and swinging from the jungle gym may no longer be a part of our leisure time, jumping rope could be. Not only is it a great cardiovascular alternative to your usual aerobic workout, jumping rope can increase body awareness and develop better hand and foot coordination.
Roping Essentials
One of the greatest things about jumping rope is how little it takes to get started. All you need are comfortable shoes and a good rope. The best shoes for jumping rope are either aerobic shoes or cross-trainers. Be sure your shoes have a reinforced toe and provide a lot of cushioning for the ball of the foot.
Jump ropes have come a long way since most of us were skipping around the playground. Today, they are made from a variety of materials and feature various grip styles. Some ropes are weighted or have heavy handles. These ropes are usually too cumbersome and are not recommended. Instead, choose a lightweight rope with foam grips so it won't slip away from you even if your palms get sweaty.
To choose the right length rope for you, step one foot on the center of the rope and bring both handles up to the chest. The handles should reach about chest-high.
If it's been a while since you've swung a rope, you can rest easy - the essentials are still the same. And the fundamentals are all you really need to know to get a good workout. But if you want to create a fun and exciting workout, you'll have to add an extra element: a little pizzazz.
The easiest way to do this is to turn on some upbeat music to get you motivated. Fun, exciting music is the best way to keep your energy up during a workout.
Once you have mastered basic jumping, try getting a little creative. Jump backwards or vary your foot patterns. Try bringing your knees up or scissoring your legs. If you find yourself needing a break but you don't want to stop completely, twirl the rope from side to side.
If you're finding it difficult to come up with new moves, head to the video or bookstore. There are several new tapes and books on the market to help you add some variety to your roping workout. The point is to stick with it. You're sure to notice a marked improvement in your endurance level, which will help any other sports or activities you may do. And who knows? Jumping rope might even make you feel like a kid again.
Learning the Basics
Here are the do's and don'ts of jumping rope:
•Lightly grip the handles near the end closest to the rope.
•Keep your shoulders relaxed and your elbows close to your body.
•Your knees should be bent slightly.
•Turn the rope from the wrist and aim to keep a smooth arc in the rope as it passes over your head
•Never hunch over. Keep your back straight and head up. Jump low to minimize the impact on your knees and ankles
Those were the days when playing hopscotch, jumping rope, and hanging on the monkey bars were our primary occupations.
While hopscotch and swinging from the jungle gym may no longer be a part of our leisure time, jumping rope could be. Not only is it a great cardiovascular alternative to your usual aerobic workout, jumping rope can increase body awareness and develop better hand and foot coordination.
Roping Essentials
One of the greatest things about jumping rope is how little it takes to get started. All you need are comfortable shoes and a good rope. The best shoes for jumping rope are either aerobic shoes or cross-trainers. Be sure your shoes have a reinforced toe and provide a lot of cushioning for the ball of the foot.
Jump ropes have come a long way since most of us were skipping around the playground. Today, they are made from a variety of materials and feature various grip styles. Some ropes are weighted or have heavy handles. These ropes are usually too cumbersome and are not recommended. Instead, choose a lightweight rope with foam grips so it won't slip away from you even if your palms get sweaty.
To choose the right length rope for you, step one foot on the center of the rope and bring both handles up to the chest. The handles should reach about chest-high.
If it's been a while since you've swung a rope, you can rest easy - the essentials are still the same. And the fundamentals are all you really need to know to get a good workout. But if you want to create a fun and exciting workout, you'll have to add an extra element: a little pizzazz.
The easiest way to do this is to turn on some upbeat music to get you motivated. Fun, exciting music is the best way to keep your energy up during a workout.
Once you have mastered basic jumping, try getting a little creative. Jump backwards or vary your foot patterns. Try bringing your knees up or scissoring your legs. If you find yourself needing a break but you don't want to stop completely, twirl the rope from side to side.
If you're finding it difficult to come up with new moves, head to the video or bookstore. There are several new tapes and books on the market to help you add some variety to your roping workout. The point is to stick with it. You're sure to notice a marked improvement in your endurance level, which will help any other sports or activities you may do. And who knows? Jumping rope might even make you feel like a kid again.
Learning the Basics
Here are the do's and don'ts of jumping rope:
•Lightly grip the handles near the end closest to the rope.
•Keep your shoulders relaxed and your elbows close to your body.
•Your knees should be bent slightly.
•Turn the rope from the wrist and aim to keep a smooth arc in the rope as it passes over your head
•Never hunch over. Keep your back straight and head up. Jump low to minimize the impact on your knees and ankles
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The piece of equipment that everyone can use
Total Body Workout
There is a good chance that if you’ve stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program then you’ve seen the “big exercise balls.” You’ve probably wondered what all the hype is about. Well, they may look like something found on a children’s playground, but don’t be confused. These exercise balls offer some of the best methods for strengthening your abdominals and core.
Find it hard to believe that simply sitting, rolling, or bouncing on a big inflatable ball can make you more fit?
While they are somewhat of a new craze to the public, the ball (commonly known as stability ball, fitness ball, Swiss ball, physio ball, etc) was used as early as the 1960s. It originally was used by physical therapist and athletic trainers to assist with rehabilitation and core development in athletes.
The stability ball is a very versatile and valuable piece of equipment. It is a very inexpensive piece of equipment that offers a total body workout while also improving your balance. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be used with the ball; both beginners and advanced exercises can benefit from it. Plus, children to seniors can use it. The stability ball is great for athletes at both the pre-hab and rehab level’s.
Before you try out the ball be sure to choose the right size and firmness. The harder the ball is then the more difficult the exercise move will be. Therefore, beginners should probably choose a ball that is softer (e.g. not overly inflated). Also, it is import
ant to choose the right size based on your height. The ball manufacturer, your personal trainer, or a fitness professional at your local gym can provideyou with the height guidelines. As previously mentioned, the ball can
be used for a total body workout with bands, dumbbells / barbell or body weight. With the ball you can work your legs, arms, chest, back, abdominals, and you can even get a cardio workout by doing such moves as sitting overhead arm clap or wall squats. The ball is a great tool for all levels and can be incorporated into most any workout.
By: Ryan Whaley - NASM,CSCS, EMT-Paramedic
There is a good chance that if you’ve stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program then you’ve seen the “big exercise balls.” You’ve probably wondered what all the hype is about. Well, they may look like something found on a children’s playground, but don’t be confused. These exercise balls offer some of the best methods for strengthening your abdominals and core.
Find it hard to believe that simply sitting, rolling, or bouncing on a big inflatable ball can make you more fit?
While they are somewhat of a new craze to the public, the ball (commonly known as stability ball, fitness ball, Swiss ball, physio ball, etc) was used as early as the 1960s. It originally was used by physical therapist and athletic trainers to assist with rehabilitation and core development in athletes.
The stability ball is a very versatile and valuable piece of equipment. It is a very inexpensive piece of equipment that offers a total body workout while also improving your balance. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be used with the ball; both beginners and advanced exercises can benefit from it. Plus, children to seniors can use it. The stability ball is great for athletes at both the pre-hab and rehab level’s.
What makes this piece of fitness equipment so uniquely effective? It works multiple muscles at one time while forcing your body to balance itself. This creates a very effective and challenging workout. For example, lying on a bench to perform tricep extensions is a good exercise but it’s limited to working primarily just the triceps. However, perform that same move on a stability ball and you have created an unstable environment. Additional muscles are activated that work to keep you balanced on the ball. That means you are now working harder and essentially getting more bang for your buck while not increasing your exercise time.
So, if you haven’t already gotten on the ball, it’s time to give it a try. You may think that your workout already provides everything you need, but chances are you are focusing the majority of your exercise time on the lower or upper body with conventional equipment. It is essential to dedicate time to work on your core, which is responsible for stabilizing the rest of your body. Having a strong core improves your performance in all activities, not just exercise but also daily activities like carrying groceries. The ball can help improve your posture, balance, and core strength. Virtually every exercise performed on the ball works your core area. The core is made up of upper and lower, rectus abdominis, TVA (Transverse Abdominis) and obliques. These three regions are what make up the core.
Before you try out the ball be sure to choose the right size and firmness. The harder the ball is then the more difficult the exercise move will be. Therefore, beginners should probably choose a ball that is softer (e.g. not overly inflated). Also, it is import
ant to choose the right size based on your height. The ball manufacturer, your personal trainer, or a fitness professional at your local gym can provideyou with the height guidelines. As previously mentioned, the ball can
be used for a total body workout with bands, dumbbells / barbell or body weight. With the ball you can work your legs, arms, chest, back, abdominals, and you can even get a cardio workout by doing such moves as sitting overhead arm clap or wall squats. The ball is a great tool for all levels and can be incorporated into most any workout.
By: Ryan Whaley - NASM,CSCS, EMT-Paramedic
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Perfect Your Golf Swing and Golf Like a Pro
Consistent attention to stance, angle, and balance will effect the perfect golf swing, with a little practice. Well actually, the perfect golf swing will take a lot of practice. But when the time comes to play in a competitive tournament, friendly match, or business foursome, the perfect golf swing will be the perfect business and leisure asset.
Accuracy is the buzz-word when working on your perfect golf swing, since the swing in and of itself is not the end result. The flight of the ball to the green or thereabouts should stem from the development of the perfect golf swing. A perfect golf swing should depend on physical conditioning or height, or a special club or distance to the tee.
The perfect golf swing should occur by habit, after hands-on training to correct bad habits and sloppiness. A good golfer should be able to correct themselves. The perfect golf swing should be able to encompass variables of distance, wind, turf, angle to the tee, and length of the fairway in all wind conditions.
Golfers who experiment with their tee shots often discover that an automatic generation of a swing can be a great starting point for a great swing. But a perfect golf swing comes about after enough positive experience with a certain rhythm that occurs again and again, until the body can tell better than the mind how to do it. Then a perfect golf swing can be employed as a function of the golf game anywhere from tee to green to rough to fairway.
Many players will grind away at the perfect swing, using manuals, videotapes, books, and even coaches to get the best whack at the ball. Consistent accuracy is more than mere mechanics. The perfect golf swing tempers a determined player’s concentration with effort that limits exertion.
The perfect golf swing has a methodology that is different for each player. Golf takes repetition and concentration, especially when problem areas need extra attention. The intense skill and methodologies necessary for the perfect golf swing can be discarded and focused upon depending on their effectiveness.
Little by little, the perfect golf swing can adjust a player’s handicap and show him or her how to map the perfect stroke for every part of the course.
By: Dr. Richard Myers
Befit4Lifenow has partnered with Top Players Golf Academy to help your golf swing. Their INDOOR Golf teaching facility in Southwest Houston is the perfect place to get out of the Houston Heat and improve your game.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Why Your Diet May Not Be Working
Jennifer, a middle-aged single mother with one six-year-old daughter, has been skipping sweets for a few weeks now. She’s also become a stickler for portion control. She feels as if she’s eating less than ever, and she’s been diligently exercising for an hour at a time at least four days a week. Yet, she hasn’t lost a single pound. The question is, “Why?”
This is a dilemma which affects dieters the world over. They think they are taking the steps necessary to lose weight, but nothing seems to be happening. In essence, they are trapped in a dieting rut and they don’t know how to free themselves. As a result, they become frustrated and depressed and may then engage in binge eating.
One of the problems with diets is that they are often standardized. As a result, they don’t take into consideration your individual physiology and metabolism. They provide a cookie-cutter approach to weight loss—an approach which may not work in your individual case. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to dieticians to formulate a personal weight loss strategy for them. This process has been made easier through the Internet, where you can correspond with a dietician any time of the day or night via e-mail. The dietician can also act as your personal coach, helping you through your dieting dilemmas.
Another reason that you may be failing at your diet is because of a lack of support. You may have family members who can eat whatever they want and seemingly not gain a pound. As a result, they may fill your refrigerator with junk food, leading you into temptation. Also, you may feel as if you have no one to turn to in order to discuss your weight problems. In order to solve this problem, many individuals look to psychotherapists to help them with their food-related issues. This can be particularly important if an individual has turned to purging in an effort to combat their weight problems. Bulimia is a serious disease which must be treated in order to ensure the good health of the patient. Thankfully, there are a number of treatment programs throughout the U.S. specifically focusing on bulimia.
Yet another reason for diet failure is hidden calories. You may literally be consuming calories and not even realize it. For instance, the frappucinos that are so popular today are loaded with calories—as many as 600 in a single serving! You may also be indulging in sugary sodas—another source of extra calories. By taking a few simple steps, such as eliminating the exotic coffee drinks from your diet and substituting skim milk for whole milk, you may be able to eliminate the hidden calories that are denying you dieting success.
Lack of consistency can also be a diet-killer. You might go on a diet for a while, then quit before you’ve made any measurable progress. It’s only natural to want to see quick results. The problem is that healthy weight loss involves losing only a couple of pounds a week. That means you’ll have to stay on your diet for months before you see appreciable weight loss. Discouraging? It can be, but if you keep a positive attitude you can achieve your ideal weight.
You may also be more successful in your dieting if you consider it to be a lifestyle change. Therefore, your diet becomes a meal plan for life. This means that you must change the way you look at food. It is designed to be fuel for your body, and nothing more. As a result, you should not turn to food to make you feel better or to provide you with a sense of comfort. A lifestyle change implies commitment; it means that you are prepared to follow the plan for the long haul. If you feel as if you cannot be on your diet for any appreciable length of time, perhaps it’s time to consider a different diet. Your aim ultimately should be not simply to lose weight, but to become healthier. A fad diet will not allow you to reach that milestone. Therefore, you must choose your diet carefully.
By: Nishanth Reddy
This is a dilemma which affects dieters the world over. They think they are taking the steps necessary to lose weight, but nothing seems to be happening. In essence, they are trapped in a dieting rut and they don’t know how to free themselves. As a result, they become frustrated and depressed and may then engage in binge eating.
One of the problems with diets is that they are often standardized. As a result, they don’t take into consideration your individual physiology and metabolism. They provide a cookie-cutter approach to weight loss—an approach which may not work in your individual case. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to dieticians to formulate a personal weight loss strategy for them. This process has been made easier through the Internet, where you can correspond with a dietician any time of the day or night via e-mail. The dietician can also act as your personal coach, helping you through your dieting dilemmas.
Another reason that you may be failing at your diet is because of a lack of support. You may have family members who can eat whatever they want and seemingly not gain a pound. As a result, they may fill your refrigerator with junk food, leading you into temptation. Also, you may feel as if you have no one to turn to in order to discuss your weight problems. In order to solve this problem, many individuals look to psychotherapists to help them with their food-related issues. This can be particularly important if an individual has turned to purging in an effort to combat their weight problems. Bulimia is a serious disease which must be treated in order to ensure the good health of the patient. Thankfully, there are a number of treatment programs throughout the U.S. specifically focusing on bulimia.
Yet another reason for diet failure is hidden calories. You may literally be consuming calories and not even realize it. For instance, the frappucinos that are so popular today are loaded with calories—as many as 600 in a single serving! You may also be indulging in sugary sodas—another source of extra calories. By taking a few simple steps, such as eliminating the exotic coffee drinks from your diet and substituting skim milk for whole milk, you may be able to eliminate the hidden calories that are denying you dieting success.
Lack of consistency can also be a diet-killer. You might go on a diet for a while, then quit before you’ve made any measurable progress. It’s only natural to want to see quick results. The problem is that healthy weight loss involves losing only a couple of pounds a week. That means you’ll have to stay on your diet for months before you see appreciable weight loss. Discouraging? It can be, but if you keep a positive attitude you can achieve your ideal weight.
You may also be more successful in your dieting if you consider it to be a lifestyle change. Therefore, your diet becomes a meal plan for life. This means that you must change the way you look at food. It is designed to be fuel for your body, and nothing more. As a result, you should not turn to food to make you feel better or to provide you with a sense of comfort. A lifestyle change implies commitment; it means that you are prepared to follow the plan for the long haul. If you feel as if you cannot be on your diet for any appreciable length of time, perhaps it’s time to consider a different diet. Your aim ultimately should be not simply to lose weight, but to become healthier. A fad diet will not allow you to reach that milestone. Therefore, you must choose your diet carefully.
By: Nishanth Reddy
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Friday, July 16, 2010
Ten Steps to Improve Your Fitness Health

1.) Your health will improve if you minimize the number of tablets that you take. Acetaminophen may seem okay, but you will be surprised how often a headache can be cured by drinking water, having something to eat or sitting in a quiet room.
2.) Limit the number of supplements you take. Adequate amounts can in fact be absorbed by modifying the diet without the risks involved by taking a dietary supplement. Consult a professional dietician. Many sprinters and power athletes, for example, take creatine supplements because it gives them a legal edge. There is a risk, though, as it is possible that they have been contaminated by banned substances. This is a risk to your fitness health, and a risk financially if you are a professional athlete.
3.) Take a complete day off from exercise every once in a while. It doesn't have to be every week, but doing extra training when you are tired may have a detrimental effect on your health and fitness. You become fitter and healthier through rest as much as exercise.
4.) Listen to your body. As you are training it is easy to become preoccupied with the repetitions you are doing, or the time you've been exercising. Leave your watch at home and slow down or walk when your body hurts.
5.) To improve your fitness health you need to eat a varied diet. Five fruit and vegetables a day should be your minimum target. Your health will improve if you eat at least five different kinds of fruit, then any vegetables will be a bonus.
6.) You will improve your health and fitness by stretching more. Your muscles get shorter through exercise, and if you never stretch you will get injured. One method is to warm up slowly first, then spend several minutes stretching before the main workout. Stretch thoroughly after exercise as well.
7.) You need to stay hydrated if you are exercising more. This means drinking water and sports drinks if you are sweating a lot. You lose minerals in your body while sweating. It is recommended to drink five glasses of water a day, but if you are working out you need to drink more than this. Don't get carried away, though, because it can be just as dangerous to drink too much as too little.
8.) Exercise with other people. You will meet new friends, and your fitness will improve if you have other people to motivate you.
9.) Don't become too competitive as this may harm your health. Motivation from other people is good, but you should only compete against yourself. Try too hard to keep up with someone else, and you could become injured.
10.) Have fun! Your health and fitness will improve if you are having fun because you will stick to your exercise program.
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Paul Reeve is a Personal Trainer, Presenter and Lecturer for Fitness Professionals, Sports Organizations, Sport Coaches, Corporate Organizations
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Nutrition Rx for Injury and Rehab
Nutrition plays an essential role during an athlete’s rehabilitation period, especially for wound healing. The key nutrients involved in wound healing include protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and a variety of vitamins, and minerals. If one of these nutrients is lacking in the athlete’s diet, delayed wound healing may result, thereby postponing the athlete’s return to training and/or competition.
Three important nutrition points to practice when recovering from an injury include the following:
1. Do not over-indulge or excessively calorie-restrict.
During the rehabilitation period, an athlete’s daily caloric needs are less than what they were prior to the injury, due to a decrease in energy expenditure or fitness level. If the athlete does not compensate for this decrease, weight gain may result in the form of fat tissue. Extra body fat places additional stress on the injured joints and will impede upon the athletes’ sports performance. On the other hand, some athletes aggressively restrict their caloric intake in fear of gaining weight. This is more detrimental to the athlete than overeating, because calorie-restriction deprives the body of nutrients, especially protein, a catalyst in the healing process.
2. Incorporate the “powerhouse foods” into your meal plan.
*Protein Buliding Blocks Protein
Protein is one of the most important nutrients for wound healing and plays several key roles for the body such as repairing tissue, fighting infection, and performing regulatory functions. The BEST absorbed proteins are the high biological value (HBV) proteins, which are derived from animals, with the exception of soy, and include lean meats, poultry without the skin, fish, shellfish, dairy products, and eggs. The lower biological value (LBV) proteins are derived from plants and are not as well absorbed by the body. These include grains, vegetables, legumes, beans, and lentils.
Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred and cleanest fuel source. The athlete needs to eat adequate amounts of carbohydrates so that protein can do its job. The bulk of carbohydrates in the diet should come from whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, and lentils.
*Essential Fatty Acids Rx Oils
Essential fatty acids, otherwise known as omega-3’s and omega-6’s, are required for normal growth and the maintenance of cell membranes, healthy arteries, and nerve tissue. Since the body cannot make these types of fats on its own, they must be obtained from food. Omega 3’s are found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and herring, as well as in green leafy vegetables, nuts, canola oil, and tofu. Omega-6’s are found in vegetable oils, which are hidden in the majority of pre-packaged or pre-prepared foods. The goal is to eat more omega 3’s than omega’6’s.
If calcium intake is insufficient, the healing process will be impaired, placing the athlete at an increase risk for weakened bones and stress fractures. Calcium is found in dairy products and green leafy vegetables. When choosing dairy, choose non-fat or low-fat.
*Beta Carotene and Vitamin A
Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body and enhances the inflammatory response, stimulates cell formation, and supports the immune system. Beta-carotene is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, cantaloupe, broccoli, and dark leafy greens. Vitamin A is found in liver, egg yolks, whole milk, and orange and yellow vegetables.
*Vitamin C
Vitamin C aids in the synthesis of collagen formation, a core component of scar tissue and is found in citrus fruits and juices, peppers, cabbage, kiwi, cantaloupe, and leafy greens.
*B Vitamins
The athletes’ B vitamin needs are increased due to an elevated metabolism as a result of the healing process. A few of these B vitamins include B1 or thiamin found in brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, bran, whole grains, and organ meats; B2 or riboflavin found in milk, eggs, lean meats, and broccoli; B3 or niacin found in lean meats, liver, poultry, fish, peanuts, and wheat germ; B12 found in meats, dairy products, eggs, liver, and fish; and folic acid or folate found in fortified breakfast cereals, green leafy vegetables, and liver.
3. Supplement as needed.
In addition to eating a diet consisting of the “powerhouse foods,” athletes may wish to supplement their diets with the following for insurance purposes. Remember to always check with a physician before taking supplements.
-A daily antioxidant multiple containing 100% of the daily values for vitamins and minerals Multi-Vitamin
-Calcium: 1000-1500 mg / day from food and supplements
-Vitamin C: 100 mg two times / day
-Zinc: 25 mg / day
-Vitamin E: 200-400 IU / day of the natural form (d-tocopherol)
Athletes who consistently push themselves hard during training and competition are at an increase risk for injury and therefore must endure the rehabilitation period. For this reason, it is imperative that athletes pay as close attention, if not more, to their diets as they do to their fitness and training programs. Many athletes strive for that perfect physique while not practicing healthful eating habits and behaviors. Following an optimal sports diet minimizes the length of rehab and moreover, decreases an athlete’s risk of injury in the first place.
The following is a recipe containing many of the “powerhouse foods,” which is ideal for not only injury and rehab, but for sports performance as well.
Barth’s Powerhouse Formula
¾ cup frozen, unsweetened mixed berries
4 oz low-fat mixed berry yogurt
1 T whey protein (or the equivalent to 15 grams of protein)
1 T honey
1 T flax seeds, ground or flax seed oil
½ cup low-fat (1%) milk
½ cup calcium-fortified orange juice
Ice cubes as desired
Blend first 7 ingredients together until smooth. Add ice cubes as desired.
Yields: 1 serving
Nutritional Information
Calories: 480
Carbohydrates: 68 grams (57%)
Protein: 28 grams (23%)
Fat: 10 grams (20%)
1. Kleiner, SM. Power Eating 2nd ed. Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 2001.
2. Rosenbloom C. Sports Nutrition A Guide for the Professional Working with Active People 3rd ed. ChicagoIll: American Dietetic Association. 2000
Three important nutrition points to practice when recovering from an injury include the following:
1. Do not over-indulge or excessively calorie-restrict.
During the rehabilitation period, an athlete’s daily caloric needs are less than what they were prior to the injury, due to a decrease in energy expenditure or fitness level. If the athlete does not compensate for this decrease, weight gain may result in the form of fat tissue. Extra body fat places additional stress on the injured joints and will impede upon the athletes’ sports performance. On the other hand, some athletes aggressively restrict their caloric intake in fear of gaining weight. This is more detrimental to the athlete than overeating, because calorie-restriction deprives the body of nutrients, especially protein, a catalyst in the healing process.
2. Incorporate the “powerhouse foods” into your meal plan.
*Protein Buliding Blocks Protein
Protein is one of the most important nutrients for wound healing and plays several key roles for the body such as repairing tissue, fighting infection, and performing regulatory functions. The BEST absorbed proteins are the high biological value (HBV) proteins, which are derived from animals, with the exception of soy, and include lean meats, poultry without the skin, fish, shellfish, dairy products, and eggs. The lower biological value (LBV) proteins are derived from plants and are not as well absorbed by the body. These include grains, vegetables, legumes, beans, and lentils.
Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred and cleanest fuel source. The athlete needs to eat adequate amounts of carbohydrates so that protein can do its job. The bulk of carbohydrates in the diet should come from whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, and lentils.
*Essential Fatty Acids Rx Oils
Essential fatty acids, otherwise known as omega-3’s and omega-6’s, are required for normal growth and the maintenance of cell membranes, healthy arteries, and nerve tissue. Since the body cannot make these types of fats on its own, they must be obtained from food. Omega 3’s are found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and herring, as well as in green leafy vegetables, nuts, canola oil, and tofu. Omega-6’s are found in vegetable oils, which are hidden in the majority of pre-packaged or pre-prepared foods. The goal is to eat more omega 3’s than omega’6’s.
If calcium intake is insufficient, the healing process will be impaired, placing the athlete at an increase risk for weakened bones and stress fractures. Calcium is found in dairy products and green leafy vegetables. When choosing dairy, choose non-fat or low-fat.
*Beta Carotene and Vitamin A
Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body and enhances the inflammatory response, stimulates cell formation, and supports the immune system. Beta-carotene is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, cantaloupe, broccoli, and dark leafy greens. Vitamin A is found in liver, egg yolks, whole milk, and orange and yellow vegetables.
*Vitamin C
Vitamin C aids in the synthesis of collagen formation, a core component of scar tissue and is found in citrus fruits and juices, peppers, cabbage, kiwi, cantaloupe, and leafy greens.
*B Vitamins
The athletes’ B vitamin needs are increased due to an elevated metabolism as a result of the healing process. A few of these B vitamins include B1 or thiamin found in brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, bran, whole grains, and organ meats; B2 or riboflavin found in milk, eggs, lean meats, and broccoli; B3 or niacin found in lean meats, liver, poultry, fish, peanuts, and wheat germ; B12 found in meats, dairy products, eggs, liver, and fish; and folic acid or folate found in fortified breakfast cereals, green leafy vegetables, and liver.
3. Supplement as needed.
In addition to eating a diet consisting of the “powerhouse foods,” athletes may wish to supplement their diets with the following for insurance purposes. Remember to always check with a physician before taking supplements.
-A daily antioxidant multiple containing 100% of the daily values for vitamins and minerals Multi-Vitamin
-Calcium: 1000-1500 mg / day from food and supplements
-Vitamin C: 100 mg two times / day
-Zinc: 25 mg / day
-Vitamin E: 200-400 IU / day of the natural form (d-tocopherol)
Athletes who consistently push themselves hard during training and competition are at an increase risk for injury and therefore must endure the rehabilitation period. For this reason, it is imperative that athletes pay as close attention, if not more, to their diets as they do to their fitness and training programs. Many athletes strive for that perfect physique while not practicing healthful eating habits and behaviors. Following an optimal sports diet minimizes the length of rehab and moreover, decreases an athlete’s risk of injury in the first place.
The following is a recipe containing many of the “powerhouse foods,” which is ideal for not only injury and rehab, but for sports performance as well.
Barth’s Powerhouse Formula
¾ cup frozen, unsweetened mixed berries
4 oz low-fat mixed berry yogurt
1 T whey protein (or the equivalent to 15 grams of protein)
1 T honey
1 T flax seeds, ground or flax seed oil
½ cup low-fat (1%) milk
½ cup calcium-fortified orange juice
Ice cubes as desired
Blend first 7 ingredients together until smooth. Add ice cubes as desired.
Yields: 1 serving
Nutritional Information
Calories: 480
Carbohydrates: 68 grams (57%)
Protein: 28 grams (23%)
Fat: 10 grams (20%)
1. Kleiner, SM. Power Eating 2nd ed. Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics; 2001.
2. Rosenbloom C. Sports Nutrition A Guide for the Professional Working with Active People 3rd ed. ChicagoIll: American Dietetic Association. 2000
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The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act (H.R. 2105) allows for expenditures for physical fitness programs and exercise equipment to be payable out of pre-tax health investment accounts such as flexible spending accounts (FSAs), medical savings accounts (MSAs) and/or medical reimbursement arrangements.
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The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act (H.R. 2105) allows for expenditures for physical fitness programs and exercise equipment to be payable out of pre-tax health investment accounts such as flexible spending accounts (FSAs), medical savings accounts (MSAs) and/or medical reimbursement arrangements.
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