Is the importance of stretching BEFORE a workout a myth?

"Numerous studies confirm that static stretching decreases muscle strength, but they don't define how much stretching it takes. So researchers at George Mason University (Prince William campus, Manassas, Virgina) had subjects test their one-rep maxes on the leg curl after doing 0-6 sets of 30 second hamstring stretches. They discovered that one set of 30-second static stretching decreased muscle strength by more than 5%. Each additional set of stretching affected leg-curl strength even mofe, with six sets causing an almost 15% decrease." - Muscle and Fitness Magazine March 2010
It is a common gym myth that you should always stretch before a workout. This may be the case but it depends on which kind of stretching occurs. Static stretching for example is very detrimental to muscle strength. The reason is when static stretch is done you stretch your muscle and contract your muscle at the same time. This stretch and contraction confuses your muscles proprioceptors and motor units. This will lead to less fast twitch muscle fibers used in unison on a muscle contraction, meaning less strength.
My advice to you is to warm up before your workout in order to increase blood flow to your muscles and skin. This will cause more oxygen flow which will allow for more strength and energy for your muscles. Warm-ups also increases muscle temperature which will allow your muscles to be loosened up more for your workout.
Make sure to stretch AFTER your workout. This will relax your muscles and make you less susceptible to muscle spasms or cramps."
Suggest warm-ups:
1. Jog or do cardio for a short period
2. Push-ups
3. Sit-ups
4. Lunges (dynamic stretch)
5. Jump squats
Mike Fonseca
Head Virtual Coach
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