Monday, October 18, 2010

Finally, a HEALTHY way for organizations and schools to raise money!

Healthy Fundraising

If you have kids you know about fundraisers. Whether it’s a school, organization, or a church, community support is a must. We have all been there: your child comes home and lets you know if he sells the most cookie dough, cinnamon rolls or candy bars he wins a bike or the latest video game.  Meanwhile, we are trying to keep our families fit and healthy. offers an alternative; a healthy new way to raise money for organizations.

Your school or organization can earn great money while promoting a healthy lifestyle, by selling monthly memberships to the Online health and fitness system.

Organizations can sell monthly memberships at a discounted rate with a profit of $10 - $15 per membership (based on number of memberships sold). Plus, every time a customer renews, $10 will donated to the organization!
For a sample of a current fundraiser or to take advantage of this Huge discounted rate immediately and help a participating organization, click this link

Why BeFit? has a healthy solution for you and your family. By purchasing a one-month online membership to our fitness and nutrition program, you are not only contributing to the success of your organization, but you are giving yourself access to a wealth of health and fitness information and support. Our trainers will customize a fitness program for you based on your individual goals and needs. In addition, you will receive a customized nutrition program developed just for you based on your personal preferences. However, the biggest benefit is our team; constant contact with your own personal virtual trainer and nutritionist.

In addition to helping your organization, additional proceeds will go towards FitFree, a non-profit division of BeFit4LifeNow which provides funding for fitness programs and extra-curricular activities for local students. 

Selling is EASY! Memberships can be sold in person and online, to increase sales!

1. Memberships can be collected in person for individual credit by filling out an order form and submitting payment of $28 for your one-month membership in cash or check made payable to BeFit4LifeNow. As soon as the order form is received, a confirmation email will be sent with login instructions.
2. Log on to and click on “Have an access code?”  Change access code to your organization's code and continue with online signup process. Your account will immediately be available and ready for customization.

If you would like to get more information on how to get your organization started or to begin raising money immediately, contact us at

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The updated USDA food pyramid, published in 20...Image via Wikipedia

You know how it goes: You go on a diet. Soon you feel deprived of the foods you like. Then you cheat. So you go on a more extreme diet, cheat again and feel even worse about your failure. As the cycle continues, you feel increasingly unhappy with your body and out of control with food. The extra pounds don’t really decrease, but your self-esteem certainly takes a dive.

Lisa Druxman, MA, creator of the Learning Eating Awareness and Nutrition program, gives these reasons why the very common yet vicious dieting cycle may be more harmful than you imagined:

Eating between 500 to 1,200 calories per day (typical of diets) slows your metabolism, may result in loss of muscle (which you don’t want to lose) and may not supply the nutrients you need to be healthy.

Some studies suggest that dieting may prevent your body from producing enough serotonin to maintain your mood level, leading to food cravings and overconsumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

Some experts believe the body fights to maintain a natural set point, regardless of food intake, and diets might even elevate the set point and increase the size and number of fat cells.

The dieting cycle can produce feelings of deprivation, self-blame, lowered self-esteem, stress, and depression.

Druxman offers these 10 steps for breaking the diet cycle and starting a healthy, new relationship with food:

1. Redefine Health. Start to measure your well-being by how you feel rather than by what number you see on the scale. Are you strong? Do you have energy throughout the day? Can you walk up stairs without being out of breath? How is your cholesterol level and blood pressure?

2. Counteract Societal Pressure. Stop basing your goals on the images you see around you. TV ads for wrinkle cream feature 25-year-olds. Magazine pictures are commonly manipulated to portray ideals, not reality.

3. Choose a Realistic Target Weight. Are you shooting for a weight that you have not had since high school or college? Take an honest look at your beliefs about your ideal weight. Do you think it will result in a perfect body and a perfect life? Recognize the difference between your fantasies of weight loss and reality. Health care professionals such as nutritionists, physicians, and personal trainers can help you achieve a new perspective.

4. Make Sure the Timing Is Right. If you are facing multiple stressors or looking for short-term results (that upcoming reunion or a new relationship), move slowly. Real change takes long-term commitment and a supportive environment. By taking small steps you will avoid becoming overwhelmed and sabotaging long-term success.

5. End Deprivation. Do you feel addicted to certain foods? Chocolate? Cheese? You may actually be responding to deprivation. Take foods off your forbidden list and, in time, you are likely to stop overindulging. However, this process is slow and professional guidance may help.

6. Shift the Paradigm. Start concentrating on eating healthier, feeling better and being more active. Stop focusing on “good” and “bad” foods.

7. Take Baby Steps Toward Better Choices. Instead of giving up pizza altogether, try ordering one with chicken rather than pepperoni, or go lighter on the cheese topping. You get the idea.

8. Set Different Goals. Make physical activity—not dieting—your priority. Again, take small steps so you feel successful, rather than trying too much and setting yourself up for failure.

9. Build a Support System. Find supportive people, and teach them how to give you support, such as providing feedback for positive changes you’ve made, rather than negative comments for slips.

10. Find Positive Reinforcers. Make a list of positive reinforcers for encouragement, such as a massage, a new book or a bubble bath. Treat yourself after periods of regular exercise or other sustained healthy new behaviors. Remember, you can break the diet cycle!

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Monday, October 4, 2010

The truth about cholesterol

Today most people believe that when they consume foods with lots of cholesterol it will cause their blood cholesterol to increase or make them have bad cholesterol.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL( High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) both of which are found in the blood. HDL is considered the good cholesterol and LDL is the bad cholesterol that can lead to health problems. A high amount of HDL will actually combat levels of LDL in the blood.

This means try to consume foods with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats aka fish oils, which will help you have good cholesterol levels. This brings me back to the misconception that people have about cholesterol in foods. When most people look at foods with high cholesterol in the nutritional facts label they believe that it will impact their cholesterol levels negatively. This is FALSE, food cholesterol and blood cholesterol are completely different. When you consume foods with cholesterol it will just go through your digestive system and out the body.

What you need to be cautious about is the saturated fats in food. Saturated fats in food will impact cholesterol levels negatively causing higher LDL in the blood.

In the past people have always believed that whole eggs would cause cholesterol problems since they have a high amount of cholesterol in them. Actually whole eggs can help improve your cholesterol. "A Thai study found that when people ate eggs every day for three months, their good HDL cholesterol rose by 48%. The authors speculated that lecithin in egg yolks may be responsible for the rise."

Quote from MuscleMag June 2010

By: Mike Fonseca BeFit4LifeNow Virtual Coach
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